Men’s Ministry
Want to know more about how to walk with God for real?
We all do. That’s why we’re working hard to spend time figuring out the Truth about life, kids, marriage, work, and how to become the men of God we need to be. Here are some ways to get involved.
Bible Study
Come Wednesday at 6:30 pm to learn about God’s Word at The Branch Coffee Shop.
Grab a cup of coffee. Sit down and listen in. Participation is welcome but never required.
On the first Friday of the month, the guys get together for some “fellow”ship.
Help Out
We understand that men don’t connect the same way women do at church. So, we want you to know there are ways to plug in outside of talking about your life story. So if you have a skill, feel free to use it here! Below are some ideas.
Interested in volunteering?
- Mechanic Work: we’ve always got someone who could use help with their car.
- Garden Work: from plowing to harvest it’s ready for you to lend a hand.
- Odd Jobs: there’s always something that requires a handyman.
Call us up and we’ll find a way to let you use your skills for the glory of God and the good of your church family. 505-865-7957