First Baptist Church of Los Lunas enjoys a surprisingly vast garden space in town! This garden provides on opportunity for our church family to work together and create something healthful for our beautiful for generations to come.
Our Community Garden Update
- six empty raised beds
- 10 raspberry bushes
- 2 blackberry bushes
- 2 jostaberry bush
- 1 cherry tree
- 1 desert willow
- 1 agave plant
- lavender
- rosemary
- lettuce
- items & space for a Southwest garden
- 300 seedlings (pray for a greenhouse!)
- 2500 square feet of in-ground row space.
What We Still Need
- trees
- a greenhouse
- more flowers & plants
- & prayer!
Help Feed People and More!
There is always something to do whether it is preparing the ground, planting seeds, or getting rid of weeds. Let us all contribute what we can to this community garden so we can provide our church family with natural medicine, healthy food, and a peaceful place to rest and fellowship.
Whatever work you do, do it with all your heart. Do it for the Lord and not for men. – Colossians 3:23