Why do we want to study herbs?
God created plants for our benefit which includes food and medicine.
In Genesis 1 God’s Holy Word states ”on the 3rd day God gathered the waters in one place and caused dry land to appear. God called the dry land earth and the gathering of waters seas.”
Then God said “Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed and fruit trees on the earth bearing fruit after their kind and it was so. The earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed after their kind , and trees bearing fruit with seed in them, after their kind, and God saw that it was good.”
God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you;30 and to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the sky and to every thing that moves on the earth which has life, I have given every green plant for food”; and it was so. 31 God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.
God Is Our Focus
- We need to still remember that God , Rapha, is our focus.
- Ultimately only He heals.
- Our study of natural medicine is because of God’s creation.
- We know that pharmaceutical drugs are costly and have many side affects.
- We know that God did not intend that hybrids or genetically engineered (GMO) plants should exist for our food or medicine source.
- That God’s creation was good.
What Are Allergies?
Allergic rhinitis, the medical term for hay fever and what’s behind the unpleasant seasonal allergies we all know so well.
This develops when the body’s immune system becomes sensitized and overreacts to something in the environment.
An allergic reaction begins in the immune system.
What Is An Allergic Reaction?
An allergen is a substance that tricks the immune system — making it think that the allergen is an invader.
The immune system then overreacts to the allergen, which is really a harmless substance, and produces Immunoglobulin E antibodies.
These antibodies travel to cells that release histamine and other chemicals, causing the allergic reaction.
What Is Inflammation?
Inflammation is a defense mechanism in the body and considered the root of most diseases.
When something harmful or irritating affects a part of our body, there is a biological response to try to remove it. The immune system recognizes damaged cells, irritants, and pathogens, and it begins the healing process. The signs and symptoms of inflammation can be uncomfortable but are a show that the body is trying to heal itself.
- Inflammation is the body’s attempt at self-protection to remove harmful stimuli and begin the healing process.
- Inflammation is part of the body’s immune response.
- Infections, wounds, and any damage to tissue would not be able to heal without an inflammatory response.
- Chronic inflammation can eventually cause several diseases and conditions, including some cancers and rheumatoid arthritis.
Chronic Allergies
Allergic diseases, including allergic rhinitis and food allergies, have dramatically increased over the last several decades. In the U.S., allergies are currently the fifth leading chronic disease for all ages, and the third most common chronic disease for children under the age of 18.
Left untreated, seasonal allergy symptoms cause miserable symptoms, affect day-to-day activities and can spur asthma attacks.
- Approximately 80 percent of people with asthma suffer from seasonal allergies.
- Treating hay fever symptoms can reduce asthma–related hospitalizations and emergencies.
- The same pollen and allergens that trigger seasonal allergy symptoms can cause asthma attacks, resulting in wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness and difficulty breathing.
- This condition is referred to as allergy-induced asthma or allergic asthma.
People with compromised immune systems, COPD and other respiratory conditions need to manage their seasonal allergy symptoms to prevent further complications.
Researchers are at odds as to why seasonal allergy symptoms have worsened over the past 30 years but agree that allergies to pollen, mold and some foods are growing exponentially affecting 40 to 60 million Americans and increasing especially children.
According to the “Quest Diagnostics Health Trends Allergy Report,” overall rates of allergy sensitivities have increased nearly 6 percent in just four years, and ragweed allergies have grown 15 percent.
Allergy March
The allergy march is a well-documented phenomenon by which sensitization to foods early in life may heighten a child’s likelihood of developing more severe allergic disease, including asthma, later in life.
The largest cross-sectional study reveals a pattern of allergen sensitization consistent with the allergy march, with high rates of food-allergen sensitization most commonly found in early childhood and high rates of sensitization to other allergens occurring more frequently with age.
While hay fever frequently begins at a young age, it can strike anyone, at any time. Sometimes seasonal allergy symptoms fade over the years, only to reoccur later in life.
If you experience seasonal allergy symptoms in one location and move to a new area with different types of flora, your allergies may go away.
Reasons For The Increase In Allergies
- Increase in chemical usage
- For cleaning
- Body care
- Chemicals in our food supply
- Chemicals in pharmaceuticals
- Chemicals in the air (ex. For fighting fires)
- Chemicals in water
Reasons For The Increase In Food Allergies
May be due to the artificial food being consumed. Food is no longer food due to lack of nutritional value and the presence of chemicals.
Most Common Allergens
- Pollen
- Mold
- Dust
- Animal Dander
- Food
- Latex
- Chemicals
- Medications
Types of Reactions
Someone suffering from seasonal allergies faces the same challenges, season after season. When the allergen is pollen, mold or another airborne substance, the symptoms typically manifest in the lungs, nose and eyes. Food allergies, on the other hand, most commonly affect the mouth, stomach and may cause skin rashes.
Many hay fever symptoms are similar to those of a common cold or sinus infection, but colds and sinus infections come and go much more quickly than seasonal allergies. Allergy symptoms don’t go away until the pollen is dormant.
- Congestion
- Post-nasal drip
- Excess mucus production
- Sneezing
- Runny nose
- Itchy, watery eyes
- Scratchy throat
- Tickle/irritation in the ears
- Decreased concentration and focus
- Decreased decision-making
- Exhaustion and sleep disorders
- Mood swings
- Irritability
- Low blood pressure
- Asthma
- Hives
- Eczema
- Middle Ear Infections
Lifestyle Changes During Allergy Season
- Stay hydrated. Drink eight to ten glasses of fresh water each day. If you get dehydrated, any mucus you have will become much more difficult to expel.
- Limit exposure. On high pollen count days, or days that are particularly dusty or windy, limit your exposure. Wear a mask if you cannot limit your time outdoors.
- Shower before bed. Pollen and dust left on your skin and in your hair overnight can make your symptoms worse.
- Wash clothes and bedding. Freshly laundered bedding and clothes help to reduce incidental exposure to allergens.
- Wipe down pets. Pets that spend time outdoors come into the home covered in pollen. Wipe them down with a damp washcloth to limit your exposure to pollen and dust.
- Replace carpeted areas with hard-surfaced flooring. Carpet attracts and keeps dust and pollen that is nearly difficult to remove with a vacuum. If you have significant seasonal allergy symptoms, you could benefit from replacing your carpet with an easy to clean surface.
- De-clutter. Clutter can increase house dust and allergens, which make your seasonal allergy symptoms worse. Remove clutter, especially from your bedroom, for the best results.
- Keep doors and windows closed. When pollen counts are high, or on dusty days, keep your doors and windows closed to limit exposure.
- Limiting the time you spend outdoors can help relieve these symptoms of hay fever. But this isn’t the best solution. Who wants to spend their spring, summer and fall stuck indoors?
- People who suffer from allergies are often told to avoid triggers, but that is nearly impossible when the seasons are changing and our immune systems are impaired by the food industry and environmental toxins.
- According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), allergies can’t generally be prevented, but allergic reactions can be. The treatment goal is to avoid contact with the allergen — however, this is extremely difficult for individuals with seasonal allergies.
- Treating your seasonal allergy symptoms requires a multi-pronged attack, one that addresses your diet, lifestyle and natural treatments.
Foods To Avoid During Allergy Season
- Alcohol
- Caffeine
Conventional dairy - Chocolate
- Peanuts
- Sugar
- Artificial sweeteners
- Processed foods
- Melons
- Bananas
- Cucumbers
- Sunflower seeds
- Shellfish
- Bottled citrus juice
- Echinacea
- Chamomile
- Wheat
- Conventional Dairy products, including goat’s milk and yogurt
- Grains, especially gluten rich ones
- Conventional Eggs
- Potatoes and other starchy root vegetables
- Deep fried foods, processed foods
Foods To Enjoy During Allergy Season
- Raw local honey
- Hot and spicy foods
- Bone broth
- Probiotic -rich foods
- Pineapple
- Apple cider vinegar
- Fresh organic vegetables
- Grass-fed meats
- Free-range poultry
- Wild-caught fish
Who Is Most Susceptible
- You’re particularly susceptible to a weakened immune system after a physical trauma or surgery, underlying illnesses, or during times of emotional and physical stress. A lack of sleep can even make you more prone to allergies.
- Underlying Illness: Asthma, deviated septum, nasal polyps, recent trauma or illness, pregnancy, and even food allergies can put you at heightened risk.
- Sleep: Sleep deprivation (less than the 8-hour average requirement) weakens the immune system.
- Stress: Stress plays a big part in the immune system, and unmanaged stress can lead to allergy symptoms. According to the British Institute for Allergy & Environmental Therapy, stress makes allergies worse, and once stress is properly managed and relieved, the symptoms of hay fever improve.
- Pregnancy: Women who are pregnant — even those who’ve never suffered from allergies before — are more prone to allergic rhinitis and seasonal allergy symptoms. In fact, 1 in 100 pregnant women suffer from asthma during pregnancy, and many more suffer from seasonal allergies.
Avoiding Chemical Allergies
- Use non-chemical cleaners.
- Stay away from chemicals as much as possible.
- Avoid commercially grown food.
- Stay away from herbicides, artificial fertilizers, and pesticides.
- Diligently look at ingredients in items before usage.
- If you cannot read the ingredient, chances are it is chemical.
- Eat foods with the least amounts of ingredients possible.
Ragweed: The #1 Allergen
- Research indicates nearly 75 percent of people in the United States who suffer from seasonal allergies are allergic to ragweed.
- Unlike grass, trees and flower that produce pollen in the spring and summer, pollen due to ragweed is often highest during the fall.
- Nearly a third of ragweed allergy sufferers also experience an allergic response to certain foods.
- These include cucumbers, melons, zucchini, sunflower seeds, bananas and chamomile tea.
- If you have a ragweed allergy, avoid these foods and others listed later in “Foods to Avoid.”
Head off allergies by starting to treat them before you feel anything.
One step is to spritz a saline rinse into your nose daily to wash away pollen. This method won’t necessarily take the place of medication, but it could reduce your need for drugs.
Rinsing your nasal passages with saline solution (nasal irrigation) is a quick, inexpensive and effective way to relieve nasal congestion. Rinsing directly flushes out mucus and allergens from your nose.
The Details
- Look for a squeeze bottle or a neti pot — a small container with a spout designed for nasal rinsing — at your pharmacy or health food store.
- Use water that’s distilled, sterile, previously boiled and cooled, or filtered using a filter with an absolute pore size of 1 micron or smaller to make up the saline irrigation solution.
- Also be sure to rinse the irrigation device after each use with similarly distilled, sterile, previously boiled and cooled, or filtered water and leave open to air-dry.
- In one study, participants who rinsed their sinuses twice a day for three to six weeks reported less nasal congestion than those who didn’t.
- Allergists with allergies swear by saline rinses .
This is one of the easiest home remedies for allergies.
- Fill a large bowl with boiling water.
- Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil, thyme oil, oregano oil and/or tea tree oil.
- Place your head over a bowl of boiling water and carefully inhaling the steam.
- Drape a towel over the back of the head helps to lock in the steam.
- Breathe until the steam dissipates.
Local Honey
The idea behind honey treating allergies is similar to that of a person getting allergy shots. When a person eats local honey, they are thought to be ingesting local pollen. Over time, a person may become less sensitive to this pollen. As a result, they may experience fewer seasonal allergy symptoms.
“Regular doses of honey enhance multiple parameters of the immune system,” says Ron Fessenden, author of The New Honey Revolution. “This helps us fight off all kinds of conditions, including allergies.” It can also mitigate hay fever–type symptoms.
A 2007 study at the Penn State College of Medicine found honey to be a more effective cough suppressant for children than dextromethorphan, the active ingredient in most cough medicines, coating the throat to soothe irritation and also spurring saliva production, which can help thin mucus. Research continues to reveal new uses for the substance.
Bee Pollen
It sounds counterintuitive to consume pollen when that’s exactly what is torturing your body, but bee pollen is magical stuff: In addition to being an antifungal, antimicrobial, antiviral, and even beneficial against cancer, it’s also an anti-inflammatory and an antihistamine. Sprinkle a tablespoon in a smoothie every morning for extra relief, and it’s a great natural remedy for allergies.
Apple Cider Viegar
Apple cider vinegar is an old remedy that is often recommended for a variety of health conditions. It has been used for for allergy relief (and heartburn relief) with great success. The theory is that its ability to reduce mucous production and cleanse the lymphatic system makes it useful for allergies. It is also said to help digestion, weight loss, and more; so it is worth a try!
- The Details
Mix a teaspoon of organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar with “The Mother” (that part is important) into a glass of water and drank this three times a day. “The Mother” is simply a colony of beneficial bacteria present in some organic and unfiltered ACV brands. Check the label, it should list if it contains it.
- Mix 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar and 1 teaspoon of honey in 8 ounces of warm water. Once combined, drink the tonic and repeat morning and evening. Apple Cider Vinegar for Allergies – Earth Clinic
Fire Cider
Fire Cider is a mix of ACV, cayenne pepper, maple syrup, lemon, ginger, and garlic—all ingredients that offer a natural immune boost and instant sore throat and sinus relief.
Colloidal Silver
A few wellness experts mention this natural remedy for allergies lately (not to mention its benefits for skin). The tonic, which contains silver particles suspended in liquid, is purported to help fight unwanted bacteria, viruses, and fungus. Because research on its efficacy is limited, many Western doctors warn against taking it excessively (Do not to take it for more than 10 days at a time).
The Details
Put a few drops in a glass of water each morning for a week just to bolster anti-allergy routine.
Turmeric, a spice common in curry and Indian cuisine, contains curcumin. It may act as a decongestant, help reduce allergy symptoms, and ward off colds. “It seems to be as effective as some drugs for certain conditions,” said Bharat Aggarwal, PhD, professor of experimental therapeutics at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston.
Golden rod is frequently thought to be causing allergies but in reality, the pollen is too heavy to be carried by wind or to be the reason for an allergy. It frequently grows along with ragweed which is one of the most common cause of an allergy.
In reality goldenrod is an amazing plant.
- It is a natural antihistamine.
- It is also antifungal, diuretic, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, astringent, antiseptic, and carminative .
- It helps dry up runny noses and wet sinuses.
- It’s an anticatarrhal, an herb which helps the body remove excess mucus.
- It also contains high levels of the anti-inflammatory constituent quercetin, which, along with its astringent action, can help alleviate the symptoms of allergies.
- Goldenrod tea as a Neti pot sinus wash can provide instant relief (be sure to bring tea to room temperature).
- It can be used as a tea , dried and taken incapsules or just eaten, or infused in oil or alcohol.
I have a pretty large patch growing in a pasture at my house and have made medicine from it for the last 2 years (And it’s worked!). The medicine is made from the flowers and leaves at the end of the stems.
Essential Oils
- Inhaling diffused peppermint oil can oftentimes immediately unclog the sinuses and offer relief to scratchy throats.
- Peppermint acts as an expectorant and provides relief for allergies, as well as colds, coughs, sinusitis, asthma and bronchitis. It has the power to discharge phlegm and reduce inflammation — a leading cause of allergic reactions.
- A 2010 study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology investigated the effects of peppermint oil in the tracheal rings of rats. The results suggest that peppermint oil is a relaxant and exhibits antispasmodic activity, inhibiting contractions that causes you to cough.
- Another study published in the European Journal of Medical Research suggests that peppermint oil treatment has anti-inflammatory effects — reducing the symptoms of chronic inflammatory disorders such as allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma.
The Details
- Diffuse five drops of peppermint essential oil at home to unclog sinuses and treat a scratchy throat. This will also help to relax the nasal muscles, enabling the body to clear out mucus and allergens like pollen.
- To reduce inflammation, take 1–2 drops of pure peppermint essential oil internally once a day.
- Add a few drops to a glass of water, cup of tea or smoothie.
- Peppermint oil can also be applied topically to the chest, back of neck and temples. For people with sensitive skin, it is best to dilute peppermint with coconut or jojoba oil before topical application
Basil Oil
Basil Essential Oil reduces the inflammatory response of allergens. It also supports the adrenal glands, which are involved in producing over 50 hormones that drive almost every bodily function.
Essentially, basil essential oil is helping your body to react appropriately to a threat by rushing blood to your brain, heart and muscles.
Basil oil also helps to detoxify the body of bacteria and viruses, while fighting inflammation, pain and fatigue. Studies prove that basil oil shows antimicrobial activity and can kill bacteria, yeast and mold that can lead to asthma and respiratory damage.
The Details
- To fight inflammation and regulate the overreaction of the immune system when faced with an allergen, take one drop of basil oil internally by adding it to soup, salad dressing or any other dish.
- To support the respiratory system, dilute 2–3 drops of basil oil with equal parts coconut oil and apply topically to the chest, back of neck and temples.
Eucalyptus Oil
Eucalyptus Oil opens up the lungs and sinuses, thereby improving circulation and reducing symptoms of allergies. Studies have shown that it produces a cold sensation in the nose that helps to improve airflow.
Eucalyptus contains citronellal, which has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects; it also works as an expectorant, helping to cleanse the body of toxins and harmful microorganisms that are acting as allergens.
A 2011 study published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine found that eucalyptus essential oil was an effective treatment for upper respiratory tract infections.
Patients who were treated with eucalyptus spray reported an improvement in the severity of their most debilitating respiratory tract infection symptoms compared to participants in the placebo group.
Improvement was defined as a reduction of sore throat, hoarseness or cough.
The Details
- To treat respiratory issues associated with allergies, diffuse five drops of eucalyptus at home or apply it topically to the chest and temples.
- To clear the nasal passages and relieve congestion, pour a cup of boiling water into a bowl and add 1–2 drops of eucalyptus essential oil. Then place a towel over your head and inhale deeply for 5–10 minutes.
Lemon Oil
Lemon oil supports lymphatic system drainage and helps with overcoming respiratory conditions. Studies have shown that lemon essential oil inhibits the growth of bacteria and boosts the immune system.
When diffused at home, lemon oil can kill bacteria and eliminate allergy triggers in the air. Lemon essential oil can also be used to disinfect your home, without depending on alcohol or bleach.
It will remove bacteria and pollutants from your kitchen, bedroom and bathroom — reducing the triggers inside of your home and keeping the air clean for you and your family.
This can be especially helpful as the seasons change and allergens from outside are being brought into your house on shoes and clothes.
The Details
- Add lemon oil to your laundry detergent, mix a couple of drops with water and spray it on your couches, sheets, curtains and carpets.
- Adding 1–2 drops of lemon essential oil to water also helps with pH balance. Lemon water improves immune function and detoxifies the body.
It stimulates the liver and flushes out toxins that can lead to inflammation and an over reactive immune system. Lemon water also stimulates white blood cell production, which is vital for immune system function because it helps to protect the body.
Tea Tree Oil
This powerful oil can destroy airborne pathogens that cause allergies. Diffusing tea tree oil in the home will kill mold, bacteria and fungi. It is an antiseptic agent and it has anti-inflammatory properties. Tea tree oil can be applied to the skin to kill bacteria and microorganisms; it can also be used as a household cleaner to disinfect the home and eliminate allergens.
A 2000 study conducted in Germany found that tea tree oil exhibits antimicrobial activity against a wide range of bacteria, yeasts and fungi. These microbes lead to inflammation and force our immune system to work on overdrive.
- The Details
Use tea tree oil on skin rashes and hives or as a household cleaner. - When using tea tree topically, add 2–3 drops to a clean cotton ball and gently apply to the area of concern.
- For people with sensitive skin, dilute tea tree with a carrier oil first, like coconut or jojoba oil.
How To Use Essential Oils for Allergies
- Food Allergies — Take 1–2 drops of lemon or peppermint oil internally to relieve the symptoms of a food allergy. This will help to detoxify the body and eliminate the allergens through sweat or urination.
- Skin Rash & Hives — Use tea tree or basil oil topically to treat skin rashes and hives. Add 2–3 drops to a cotton ball and apply to the affected area. Layering oils over the liver area is another way to treat skin irritations because it helps the liver to flush out toxins that burden the skin. Dilute 3–4 drops of tea tree oil with coconut oil and rub it into the liver area.
- Seasonal Allergies — Disinfect your home with lemon and tea tree oil; this will eliminate triggers and cleanse the air and your furniture. Add 40 drops of lemon oil and 20 drops of tea tree oil to a 16-ounce spray bottle. Fill the bottle with pure water and a little bit of white vinegar and spray the mixture on any area in your home.
- To reduce respiratory issues associated with seasonal allergies, try Homemade vapor rub; it delivers a soothing feeling that will open up the airways and make it easier to breathe.
Allergy Blend — Combine 2–3 drops of peppermint, eucalyptus and lavender oil with one teaspoon of coconut oil and massage the mixture into the temples, behind the ears and into the bottoms of the feet.
Vapor Rub Instructions
- Melt beeswax with oil of choice in a double boiler until just melted.
- Add the essential oils (use half the amount for a baby version or dilute with coconut oil before using)
- Stir until well mixed and pour into some type of container with a lid to store.
When using these special essential oil for allergies, don’t take tea tree oil internally; it’s best to use tea tree aromatically or topically. When using any of these oils topically, dilute with a carrier oil, especially when using on sensitive skin or on sensitive areas, like under the eyes or on the neck.
When using essential oils internally, a little goes a long way. Only consume 1–2 drops a day for one month. Then take a two-week break and start the treatment again. These must be organic.
In a small study published in the American Journal of Chinese Medicine, acupuncture reduced the symptoms associated with seasonal allergies in 26 patients and without side effects. Prior to allergy season, meet with an acupuncturist to determine the best course of action.
Fish Oil
A study of people with allergic asthma (asthma caused by allergies) found those who took daily fish-oil supplements for a month had lower levels of leukotrienes, chemicals that contribute to the allergic reaction.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Some of the best Omega 3 fatty acids are also naturally anti-inflammatory. Best sources of omega 3s are:
- sardines
- salmon
- flax seeds
- walnuts
Reishi Mushrooms
Studies have shown the reishi mushrooms may be effective against allergic reactions as well as other health problems. In the article Benefits and Side Effects of Reishi Mushrooms, notes:
Reishi reduces symptoms of seasonal allergies by acting as an expectorant, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory agent. In addition, the ganoderic acids contain anti-allergenic agents that inhibit histamine release and improve liver functions. Anti-allergenic properties are also found in the immune-boosting ling zhi-8 protein.
Butterbur has the best track record among herbs used for pollen allergies (it’s also a known headache remedy), David Rakel, MD, founder and director of the University of Wisconsin Integrative Medicine Program, told WebMD. Some studies suggest it can be as effective for nasal symptoms as an antihistamine, with no accompanying sleepiness. (Keep in mind that the safety of long-term use hasn’t been studied.)
- 500 milligrams per day: Butterbur has traditionally been used to treat bronchitis, excess mucus and asthma. However, in a recent study of hay fever sufferers, it was found to be as effective as some allergic rhinitis medications.
- Young children, pregnant or breast-feeding women should not take butterbur supplements.
Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Food grade hydrogen peroxide is a safe, cheap and very effective remedy that works to treat for reducing and clearing up the symptoms associated with allergies and hay fever. It quickly flushes out and destroys the irritants in the sinus cavities that cause the runny nose and build up of pressure. Hydrogen peroxide also kills any infections that may be accompanying your allergies.
There are two ways to use the hydrogen peroxide treatment… as a nasal spray and an under-the-tongue spray.
- To use as a nasal spray, first purchase a bottle of 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide, then mix up a solution comprised of four parts filtered water and one part 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide (not the 35% solution). Get yourself a sinus spray (pump) and apply 2-3 pumps up each nostril, then allow any gunk to drain out of the sinuses for a few minutes before blowing your nose. Do this four times a day or as often as required.
- For internal use, simply pump 4-5 sprays of the solution under the tongue. Repeat this process 2-3 times daily. It works like magic! Just remember, only the 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide should ever be used.
Hot Peppers
If you regularly eat these foods then you’ll already know that nothing cleans out the whole respiratory system quite like some hot peppers! Hot chilli peppers (especially cayenne pepper), hot mustard and horseradish are all excellent natural decongestants and sinus clearers.
They also boost the immune system very strongly and is extremely good for your heart. You can either buy it in powder or capsule form to have internally (which is very important of course), or you can find it in some allergy relief nasal sprays combined with horseradish.
Just remember, these peppers are hot, so if you don’t eat them regularly, it’s a good idea to start off small and work your way up.
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is excellent for gut health. It improves digestion by soothing the lining of the gut and promoting the growth of good bacteria. When your gut flora is out of balance (too much bad bacteria) the body produces extra histamine, which of course, is an allergy sufferer’s worst enemy.
But because coconut oil helps your gut probiotics to grow and thrive and kill off the bad bacteria, the overproduction of histamine is greatly reduced, which is welcome news for all allergy sufferers.
This super food is a very powerful “cure all” and will really do wonders for you or your child’s allergies.
And the great thing is, kids love it so it’s easy to get them to eat it! You can buy virgin coconut oil online or from any good health food store. 1-2 tablespoons (or more) every day for children or adults can be safely consumed. You can never overdose on coconut oil, and it’s not harmful. Go nuts with it if you want!
Flavonoids are mostly found in plants. The term applies to over 6000 substances, many of which give plants their bright, beautiful colors. Some of the best food sources of flavonoids include: apples, apricots, blueberries, pears, raspberries, strawberries, black beans, cabbage, onions, parsley, pinto beans, and tomatoes.
Flavonoids also enhance the effects of vitamin C.
Fruits & Vegetables
Load up on the fruits and veggies, which are high in antioxidants and water. Leafy greens – including edible weeds – are loaded with nutrients and trace minerals. The brighter the color of foods, the better the odds of it being high in antioxidants.
Herbs & Spices
- Turmeric is one spice that relieves inflammation.
- Cinnamon and licorice root (most commonly used in teas) may also ease breathing.
- Onions, garlic, ginger, horseradish, hot peppers,hot mustard – if it’s strong enough to make you pay attention to the flavor, chances are it has compounds such as sulfur, quercetin and other anti-inflammatories.
- Homemade medicine recommends supplementing with 500 milligrams of tumeric three times daily for seasonal allergies.
Probiotics modify the intestinal flora in the gut and help boost the immune system, plus they show promise in the treatment and prevention of allergies. While studies in using probiotics are still in the early stages, another study from the European Annals of Allergy and Clinical Immunology support the findings that probiotics can be an effective allergy treatment.
Try 50 billion IU (2–6 capsules) per day.
Foods containing probiotics naturally:
- kefir
- sauerkraut or kimchi
- kombucha
- Natto ( is a traditional Japanese food made from soybeans fermented with Bacillus subtilis var. natto)
yogurt - raw cheese
- More Probiotic Foods
Spirulina is a microscopic blue-green vegetable algae that is considered to be one of the most nutrient-dense foods available. Spirulina is a source of highly absorbable protein, mixed carotenoids and other phytonutrients, B vitamins, iron, chlorophyll, GLA ( is a fatty acid found primarily in vegetable oils ), and essential amino acids, as well as other trace minerals and nutrients.
Spirulina is one of the most researched supplements, and the results are promising. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, spirulina stops the release of histamine that causes symptoms.
The consumption of spirulina has been proven to significantly improve symptoms including nasal discharge, sneezing, nasal congestion and itching in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study.
Try 1 teaspoon per day.
In the lab Quercetin stabilizes mast cells that release histamine, the principal mediator of reactions to pollen and other allergies, making it a natural antihistamine. … The flavonoids found in quercetin appear to protect against LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and may help lower high blood pressure.
Research shows that quercetin, the flavonoid that gives fruits and vegetables their rich color, stops the production and release of histamine. Please note that quercetin may interfere with certain medications, including antibiotics, cyclosporine and other medications changed by the liver.
Try 1,000 milligrams per day.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A boosts the immune system, fights inflammation and has antihistamine properties.
Try 2,000 micrograms per day.
Vitamin C
Take at least 60 mg a day. Can be added to water. Reduces the histamine levels by 40%.
Antihistamine effects and complications of supplemental vitamin C [1992]
Johnston, C.S. (Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ)Retrum, K.R.Srilakshmi, J.C.
Vitamin D
There really is no disease, ailment, or health problem that can’t be helped with a little vitamin D. And allergies such as hay fever certainly fit into this. But where vitamin D really comes to one’s aid is in the treatment of asthma. It’s been noted that children with low serum vitamin D levels are more likely to be hospitalized for asthma related problems than kids with normal levels. And studies have also shown that low vitamin D levels in children are closely linked to the actual severity of asthma and allergy symptoms.
So to receive your daily amount of vitamin D, you need to either get out in the sun or take vitamin D3 supplements. For those of you who are still weary of sun exposure, supplements are the safer option. The minimum dose is around 1000 IU for kids and 2000-3000 IU for adults
1,000 milligrams per day: Bromelain, the enzyme in pineapple, helps to reduce swelling in the nose and sinuses, helping to relieve hay fever symptoms.
30 milligrams per day: Zinc helps to heal adrenal fatigue caused by chronic stress. As mentioned previously, stress worsens the symptoms of seasonal allergies and helps to regulate how your body stores histamine.
Stinging Nettle
300–500 milligrams twice per day: Stinging nettle contains antihistamine and anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce the body’s production of symptom causing histamine. If you are taking lithium, sedatives, blood thinning medications, medication for diabetes or high blood pressure, be aware that stinging nettle can cause adverse interactions with these medications.
This herb is also an excellent natural antihistamine. You can either make up a nettle tea to drink twice daily or take nettle leaf capsules.
The active ingredient in goldenseal has powerful antibacterial and immune-boosting properties, which makes it one of the very worthy home remedies for hay fever and allergies. You can either buy goldenseal as a herbal tea or in capsule form.
Green Tea
Builds up the immune system strongly and blocks the production of histamine. Either drink 4-6 cups of green tea daily or take green tea extract.
Ginger is a natural antihistamine and contains some very potent immune-enhancing properties. It also helps to break up chest congestion and remove phlegm. A nice honey, lemon and ginger tea can be just what the doctor ordered for an acute allergy outbreak.
Prickly Pear
Researchers find that the prickly pear fruit, and the whole plant generally, prevent histamine release/allergic response by inhibiting mast cell degranulation (the process by which white blood cells leak histamine and other inflammation into the blood stream).
Opuntia is a genus in the cactus family. When speaking of the prickly pear, people usually mean O. Ficus-indica, which is also known in the states as nopales. Native Americans have been using prickly pear traditionally for their pain killing, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-diabetic, anti-ulcer activity and now we have studies to back some of these uses.
Mullein is a plant. The flower is used to make medicine. Mullein is used for cough, whooping cough, tuberculosis, bronchitis, hoarseness, pneumonia, earaches, colds, chills, flu, swine flu, fever, allergies, tonsillitis, and sore throat.
Chaparral is an ancient medicinal plant used by southern Native American tribes. Larrea tridentata grows in the desert regions of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. Chaparral is a thorny evergreen shrub that has tiny yellow blossoms which turn into white fuzzy seed pods. This shrub, also called the Creosote Bush due to the odor that it expels, grows up to 6 feet tall and 8 feet wide. The leaves and flowers are used for medicinal purposes. Chaparral tea for allergies, cramping, joint pain, and parasites.
Herbal Antihistamines
Elderberry, ginkgo, jewelweed, and licorice root are all known to have natural antihistamine properties. These plants can reduce symptoms, such as runny nose, stuffiness, and congestion during an allergic reaction. Always follow the instructions for the herb, as some can be ingested, while others should be brewed as tea or used as a form of steam inhaler.
One of the home remedies for allergies that rarely ever gets mentioned is exercise. But research has shown that this wonderful practice helps to alleviate allergies, particularly hay fever, a great deal. Especially in kids!
A 12 year German study found that inactive kids suffered twice the amount and rate of hay fever as active kids. And an English survey found that people who do suffer with hay fever, but exercise regularly, have much milder symptoms than their couch potato counterparts. And the side benefit of regular exercise is it builds-up and enhances your immune system and reduces your stress levels quite significantly.