Christmas Brings What?
As we approach Christmas, our hearts fill with love and hope and joy. Right? Or do they?
For the most part, we see the hurt, the pain, the misery of our lives. Instead of speaking life, we tell of our woes.
Wickedness may prevail in the world around us. Its effects dominate the media, the stories told at work, home, school, and in every line you may stand in this time of the year.
Christ Fits Where?
How are we, as Christ-followers, any different? We are owned by God Himself, and yet we focus on the evil around us? Why, when we have the Light, the Hope, the Peace that defies understanding? So, let’s change that. Right here. Right now.
Christ Is King
For the next two weeks, look around you. Take your eyes off your own hurt, exhaustion, fears, and insecurities.
It’s Christmas. The time of giving. Of reaching out. Of faith. Hope.
For the next two weeks rest and give away more than you receive. If not in things, then in faith, joy, and the greatest of these – LOVE. Pray for others, pray for your own healing, choose to be full of joy simply because God loves you. And in this moment, that is all that matters. Don’t give up. Hope. Give away. And rejoice. It’s Christmas!
The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face shine on you, and be gracious to you. May He turn His face toward you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26